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“Don't let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.”

- John Wooden

There’s a whole lot of wisdom in this quote from the legendary UCLA basketball coach, John Wooden.

It is so dang easy to procrastinate caring for your health and well-being when as modern-day females we have SO MUCH pulling for our time.

Thoughts like….

I’ll start putting up work boundaries once I achieve X.

I’ll start regularly exercising once the pandemic is over.

I’ll carve out time to care for my soul first thing in the morning when the kids get a little older.

I’ll start preparing and eating more fresh food once I have more time.

I’ll make time for friends once life calms down.

Yes, we all have lots of demands on our time. Instead of making excuses though and staying stuck focusing on the things you can’t do right now, think about the small actions you can begin taking today to support your health and well-being.

When you take the time to address who you are as a whole person…. your mind, your body, your soul….you will be able to show up in the world more fully and with greater capacity to rock your job (and if your job right now is full-time mom I’m talking to you here too), love others with gusto and live your life with more vibrancy.

So my friend, today take action and catch yourself when you start making excuses.

Don’t have time for an hour-long workout? Do some squats, get on the floor and do a one minute plank, or put your headset in and walk as you participate in a meeting.

Impossible to think of creating work boundaries because you just have way too much to do? Try as an experiment for a week, keeping a firm stop time each day. Check-in after said experiment…. did everything fall apart or did you instead start feeling more refreshed during your work hours?

Don’t have 2 hours for your morning routine? Jot down things you’re grateful for while your coffee is brewing. Sit down for 5 minutes with said coffee then read some scripture and pray.

Can’t imagine how you can find time to start eating healthier? Buy some hummus and some precut veggies to snack on during the day.

Hope these ideas inspire you to start focusing on what you can do in your present reality.
