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Hi there!

I’m Ashtyn!

I help women (like you) shake off food struggles and the pressure so many women feel to “juggle it all.” I provide you with tools and support to make simple, yet powerful shifts in the way you approach food, movement, self-care, body image and your time… 

so that you can get busy wholeheartedly living your life with joy, presence, purpose, confidence and gusto! 


I believe life is worth celebrating and far too beautiful (even in its messiness) to waste time staying stuck in thoughts and behaviors that keep you from fully showing up in the world and feeling your best.  

If I had my way, I would be in every woman’s back pocket, like Will Smith on Hitch…


cheering you on every time you choose to move your body more from a place of self-love than punishment (even better if this includes really awkward dance moves),

loudly clapping as you begin to find your stride eating for both nourishment and enjoyment,

helping you say no to the things (and people) that don’t light you up,

reminding you you’re beautiful and 

telling you, yes, you should absolutely have your favorite chocolate cake at a party! 

The Fine Print

  • Certified Health Coach from the Institute of Integrative Medicine

  • B.A. in Psychology Social Behavior from University of California, Irvine 

  • Fully Certified STOTT Pilates Instructor 

  • Trained in Intuitive Eating

I’m a Holistic Women’s Health Coach, Pilates expert, trained in Intuitive Eating, with a degree in Psychology. Using my knowledge and a heavy dose of grace and humor, I LIFT women like you out of dieting misery, body insecurity and the black hole that is perfectionism.

Ready to throw off the things that are keeping you feeling depleted and stuck?  Let me help you thrive!

Fun Facts About Me

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I was once described as an energizer bunny. I am now a proud momma of 2 VERY energetic boys. My friends say I had it coming. My boys and their shenanigans keep me laughing and fill my heart with joy every single day.

I geek out when I see women well into their “golden years” doing Pilates.

Favorite Spindrift flavor - grapefruit, hands down.

Before I could write my name, I sold fruit + veggies at the farmers’ market with my dad (so that I could “learn the value of a dollar”). Needless to say, I have an affinity for farmers markets, hard work, and fresh Californian produce. 

First crush - Garth Brooks.

I rise before the roosters, eat dinner during the twilight special and head to bed shortly after toddlers.