We are officially in the holiday season! Like many, I’m feeling mixed emotions. I’m thrilled this year the holiday season feels more celebratory than in 2020, but I also deeply desire to ensure the 2021 holiday season is different than years past. Although 2020 was marked by challenges, I grew to love how it seemed to slough off the excess and reoriented the season in beautiful and meaningful ways.

Note, this is coming from the girl that would end up sick every single December with a nasty cold from overscheduling, lack of sleep, wanting to please everyone and desiring for everything to be “perfect.” Yes, I've come a long way, but I still need to keep myself in check so that I don't succumb to the unnecessary pressures that come with the holiday season.

Some steps I’m personally taking to cherish the holiday season this year…

  • Intentional pacing in the current and coming months. This, my friend, means resisting feelings of FOMO and firmly resisting overscheduling, so that I can soak in the season and not feel overwhelmed. For me, this looks like not saying yes to every invite that gets extended and blocking out time in my calendar to recharge (this will of course include watching some cheesy Christmas movies).

  • In the moments I feel overwhelmed, shifting my mind to gratitude for the things I get to do this year.

  • Savoring the flavors of the season. Still loving all things pumpkin and I’m amped to soon enjoy all things gingerbready and full of spice!

  • Doing Christmas shopping early for those I love, so that I don’t turn into Scrooge in the weeks leading up to Christmas.

  • Ensuring that I continue to carve out time each morning to nourish my soul by spending time in prayer and God’s Word, so I don’t get caught up in trivial stuff around the holidays.

  • Focusing on little ways I can love on others during this season.

I encourage you to set aside 5-10 minutes this week to think through how you can soak in all the goodness of this season.

What steps do you need to take to ensure you care for your well-being this season, so you don't end up frazzled and overwhelmed?

What would make this season feel extra special to you?
