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People often assume that because of my fitness background, it’s easy for me to wake up at 5am on weekdays to workout.



In fact, I RARELY wake up ready to exercise first thing in the morning.


Why do I force myself to get up and do the thing in the 5 o’clock hour then?

Because I LOVE “the afterglow” (aka what I experience after completing a workout)…

      The great burst of energy I receive from moving my body.


      The surge of confidence I feel to tackle the day in front of me.




For me, exercising is also one of my favorite ways to deal with stress. The physical act of moving my body helps me shake off feelings of anxiety and overwhelm.


Given the current season of life I’m in with littles, this early morning hour is the best time for me to ensure I follow through with working out. I find it's too easy to let the numerous things that grab for my attention throughout the day to distract me from actually completing the workout I planned.  


How the heck am I able to muster up enough motivation to get moving at the crack of dawn?


Habit. No I am not superhuman. I put in the work of stringing together enough days during the week of rising early to workout.




Accountability. My hubby and I exercise at similar times (he actually starts a little earlier – yikes I know). Other than a quick good morning, we do not chit chat during this time. But for me knowing my hubby is working out then too, helps me get my booty out of bed. Like I said, I’m not superhuman.


Some Tips for Creating a Regular Exercise Routine:

  1. Know your why and keep it at the forefront of your mind when you are feeling resistance (aka not wanting to workout).

  2. Try exercising at the same time of day (even if it is just for 5 minutes – yes, sometimes that’s all I have time for if my littles decide to rise extra early). Figure out what time works best for YOU and know that different seasons may call for different times of day.

  3. Set yourself up for success the night before. Decide how you’d like to move your body the next day and have your workout gear ready to go.

  4. Add some form of accountability. This can be as simple as blocking out time to exercise in your planner and giving yourself a little star next to each time you follow through.


Hope these tips help you build a routine that works for you! AND remember there are numerous ways to get in regular movement - your time to exercise can look like walking, rollerblading, taking a virtual yoga class, getting in some mat pilates. JUST MOVE!


Noteworthy - it is 100% okay to cut yourself some slack and forego a workout sometimes. Life happens and sometimes your body simply needs extra sleep. This would mean you are honoring your body’s needs for rest. But for the most part, try building the life-giving habit of regularly moving your body and I promise both your body and mind will thank you.
