Ladies we are fast approaching Fourth of July weekend, an awesome time to put into practice this next tip – make time for “play” and adventure outdoors!

Spending time outdoors is truly one of the best gifts you can give to your mind, body, and soul.

I recently did a short backpacking trip with Weston, my dad, and brother. We hiked, hiked, and hiked up to a beautiful lake where we camped. Now, I am not a “camper.” I LOVE to hike, but I also deeply appreciate a hot shower at the end of the day. It’s the little luxuries in life friends, and if you’re a mom of littles you understand how a hot shower at the end of the day truly feels like a luxury.

Our crew had a great time sleeping under the stars and it was fun as a mom to see my boy soak in the joy of being in the mountains. I also mentally felt so refreshed afterwards.

If you know me well, you know my dad was a legit mountain man back in the day, helping build and restore some of the trails in Yosemite, leading mule packing trips and doing search and rescue in the Sierras. You better believe my upbringing included lots of drives to the mountains. I am, however, forever grateful my dad taught me to love the outdoors and to see the mountains as God’s great handiwork.

Now you might be thinking, Ashtyn you’re crazy. You couldn’t pay me to hike in the mountains. Maybe you’re more of a beach girl, or perhaps getting outside looks more like hanging poolside. Whatever floats your boat. The point is GET OUTSIDE and MOVE that great bod of yours! Splash in the pool with your kids, try out paddle boarding (such a fun way to work your core!), take your sandals off and walk on the beach, try roller many options!

To inspire you some more to get outside, here are some of nature’s scientifically proven gifts:

  1. Speeds up recovery from psychological stress.

  2. Lowers the risk of depression.

  3. Increases mental focus and attention.

  4. Decreases cortisol (aka the stress hormone).

Article on the benefits of the “great outdoors”

When you are “adulting,” it can be so easy to lose your sense of play and adventure. Friend, don’t let this be you! Get out there and have fun!

Cheers to soaking in the sunshine this weekend (safely of course….SPF is important :) )!

