Is it just me or has the shifting of the seasons arrived earlier this year? Yes, this week features multiple 90-degree days in my area, BUT gone are the summer days punctuated by more white space in the calendar. My boys are back in school, I’m transitioning back into work mode, and my schedule is dotted with more social engagements, activities for the kiddos etc.


As far as yours truly is concerned, mentally and emotionally the season has shifted to fall. My guess is, you’re experiencing similar changes in your schedule as well.


So, time for a little check-in…. are you currently feeling amped to be entering into fall and all things pumpkin spice, or does it feel like life is rapidly speeding up and you can’t keep up?


Are you beginning to feel stressed? Overwhelmed? Anxious? Like it is impossible to find time to exercise, eat well, and tend to your soul?


If you are finding yourself nodding your head yes, it is time you take a TIME OUT. No, you aren’t in trouble, but you need to give your mind, body, and heart time to synch up.


Giving yourself permission to pause and assess what’s working and what isn’t, requires strength. Taking a stand against simply getting swept up in a life marked by “busyness” and stress, hallmarks of today’s culture, requires some grit. It is far too easy to get swept away by things that are seemingly “important.” However, deciding to live with intention, to say no to the things that really don’t matter, to make time and space for the things that do, is remarkably empowering and leads to a much more purpose lead and joy filled life.


Take 10 minutes to think through these questions:

  1. What things are important to me during this fall season?

  2. What things do I need to say no to, so that I can prioritize the things that matter?

  3. What is causing me to feel the most stressed, overwhelmed and/or anxious? What action step could I take, or mindset shift do I need to make to change this?


Take a stand this week friend. Decide to go against the status quo. Decide to live this season with intention. Your heart, mind, and body will thank you.

