Cheers to 2022!

I absolutely love the fresh start a new year brings. Each year, I geek out about what planner to purchase (yes, I still love and adore a paper planner). When my planner arrives, be still my heart…the pages are clean…as in no coffee stains, no scribbles from littles or words scratched out by yours truly. Its pages are free from marks and smudges and brimming with possibility, just like the new year.

If I could share a cup coffee with you today and ask you to tell me about your desires for the coming year, what would they be? Would your eyes be filled with excitement about the new year, or would they reflect how depleted and deflated you currently feel? Perhaps your loneliness, your anxiety?

Would you, like far too many women, speak about how you just need to lose the weight (“Ashtyn, just that dreaded last 5 pounds”), clinging to the fantasy that that magical number is the yellow brick road to your happiness and confidence?

What if in 2022 instead of fixating on the number on the scale, allowing your self-worth to inflate and deflate each time you step on it, you chose to focus on health promoting behaviors?

  • increasing your water intake (heck yes to feeling more energized)

  • increasing your intake of plant foods (numerous positive effects for the body here)

  • decreasing your stress levels through things like meditation and prayer (cool note here…women frequently hold onto excess weight due to stress hormones)

  • improving your sleep (endless mental, emotional, and physical benefits here)

What if in 2022, you stopped striving to be “perfect” and appearing like you have it all together all the time, and instead set an intention to show up more authentically, gaining deeper connection with others? Imagine loosening the grip of control (and anxiety) and experiencing more connection, joy, laughter, and peace, as a result.

What if in 2022 you chose to care for that awesome, God gifted bod of yours by allowing more time for rest and rejuvenation? Carving out margin in your calendar (no judgement here if you prefer a Google calendar) for self-care, so that you can show up as your best self for your purpose and those you love.

Friend, I encourage you to give yourself some space and time to think about how you can care for your health and well-being in 2022. Consider the ways in which you can approach this year differently than years past, not perfectly, but with intention.

Cheers to 2022!
