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 “…our sleeping time is as valuable a commodity as the time we are awake. In fact, getting the right amount of sleep enhances the quality of every minute we spend with our eyes open.” - Arianna Huffington

While working at Equinox, I had the privilege of being a guinea pig for one of their latest offerings – sleep training for adults. Having been sleep challenged for years and as a new mom, I was the ultimate test client.

Prior to this point, I held the belief that “I just wasn’t a great sleeper.” 

However, motherhood brought my sleep challenges to a whole new level. I became an even lighter sleeper awakening to my baby boy’s every peep. I found myself feeling moody, easily overwhelmed, lethargic and regularly fantasizing about steeling away to a hotel just to sleep.

Thanks to a great sleep coach, I got serious about making sleep a priority. Through challenging my thinking and by taking deliberate steps, I changed my habits and mindset around sleep. Though I didn’t perfect sleep (hello, I still had a baby who didn’t always sleep through the night), I made drastic improvements. As a result, I experienced more productivity, less sugar cravings, increased energy, gains in my strength and endurance training, and let’s face it….I became a more likable human.  

Fast forward 5 years, and my hubby would describe me as somewhat militant when it comes to my sleep and bedtime routine.  

Sleep, my friend, is ESSENTIAL to EVERY element of your physical and mental health.

How much do you need? 7-9hrs each night. This varies depending on how active you are, your current stress levels, and your genetic makeup.

Some of the good stuff that happens when you get enough sleep:

  • Improves decision-making, concentration, memory and reaction time.

  • More radiant, hydrated skin. *it’s nicknamed “beauty sleep” for a reason!

  • Improves mood and your outlook on life.

  • Enhances athletic performance.

  • Improves self-control.

  • Decreases emotional reactivity…(i.e. snapping at your kiddos when you have to clean up another mess or crying when you realize you are out of coffee)

  • Increases energy.

  • Improves immune system function.

  • Enables hunger/fullness to optimally function, making it easier to reach for greens rather than sugary treats for an energy boost.

 Some quick tips to get more zzz’s:

  • Give yourself a regular bedtime.

  • Take an honest look at how you are spending your time. What can you cut out and/or how can you become more efficient with various tasks to help you jump in bed sooner?

  • Consider your caffeine intake – too much can hamper sleep and drinking it in the afternoon can prohibit you from getting great rest later. **This can be highly individual. Some people (like me) are more sensitive to caffeine, others (like my hubby) can drink caffeine until dinnertime and still fall asleep just fine. Start tuning into how your body reacts to caffeine. 

  • Turn off all blue light devices (yes TV, phones, tablets) an hour before you go to bed. *can also try blue light blocking glasses.

  • Address your stress to eliminate tossing and turning at night. Trying journaling, writing down you worries in the form of a prayer or list before bed.

  • Reduce or eliminate alcohol – it can disrupt sleep, leading to poorer sleep quality.

  • Keep your room cool and dark.

  • Consider adding white noise to your room. 

  • Wash your sheets regularly and wear pjs you feel great in (or your birthday suit if that’s preferable…no judgment here).  

  • Ensure you get enough nutrients throughout the day, so your body does not wake up hungry in the middle of the night. Finish eating 3 hours before bed, to give your body time to digest your food.

  • Create a bedtime routine that enables your body and mind time to power down.

 Now for my mamas with littles when sleep can be extra tough, reject the notion of getting “perfect” sleep (which will only leave you feeling frustrated) and just do your best to get as much sleep as you can. Consider adding a little power nap to your afternoon (just 20 minutes of closing your eyes can help you reset) and/or going to bed right after your kiddos do. This means the house doesn’t need to be perfect when you go to bed, and your Netflix can wait.  Ensuring you prioritize catching some extra zzzzzz’s will do wonders for your sanity, energy, and ability to make supportive food choices the next day. 

On the days you wake up completely zonked, make it a priority to move your body during the day (think short walks sprinkled throughout the day).  Try drinking extra water and fill your body with great, fresh, real food for energy (absolutely okay to add some dark chocolate in there too for a little extra boost).

Think through your current sleep challenges and start taking tiny steps to improve your sleep. If you’re like me, this starts with challenging your mindset around sleep and choosing to make it a priority. Letting go of the notion of doing one more thing. Creating boundaries around your devices, enabling your mind the ability to shut down. Protecting your time in the evening so that you truly have time to mellow out and then drift to sleep. 

Treating restorative sleep like a nonnegotiable in your life pays massive dividends. I promise your body, mind, and loved ones will thank you.

